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well they taste good so sasquatches hunt them and eat them interesting fact for you sasquatches are the strongest animal in since like forever

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12y ago
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14y ago

It is not even near being an endangered animal. They are seriously over populating many areas. They are referred to as the most common mammal in the United States.

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11y ago

They are not endangered, they're not even on the endangered species list. White-tailed deer are far more common than you might think, especially in New England area of the USA.

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11y ago

they arn't

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Q: Why is the white tail deer endangered?
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Why are white-tail deer endanged?

They are not endangered, they're not even on the endangered species list. White-tailed deer are far more common than you might think, especially in New England area of the USA.

What is a white deer?

deer with a white tail

Why is the white-tailed deer endangered?

the white tail deer is not endangered. The white tail deer population has gone up so fast hunters have a hard time to keep up with them. The population has gone up alot. In Nebraska there use to be only 300 to 500 deer in the 60s now there is 300,000 to 500,000 thousand deer. Although that may be true, Im doing a report and i searched that they are becoming endangered because their loss of habitat. Also due to human killing and dogs.There are more but your gunna call me a ten your old girl nerd. >:D

Is a white tailed deer threatened?

Two subspecies of the White-tailed Deer are on the U.S. Endangered Species List. The Key Deer is classified as endangered in Florida, and the Columbian White-tailed Deer is classified as endangered in Washington and Oregon.

Where are white tail deer found?

Northern and North Central Idaho have white tail deer.

Is it white tailed deer or white tail deer or whitetail deer?

whitetail deer

Is white-tail deer a species of deer?

Yes a white-tailed deer is a type of deer

Are white tail deer cold blooed?

White tail deer are mammals. All mammals are warm blooded.

Does the white tail deer live in the Everglades?

White tail deer can live anywhere on the northern side of the Earth.

Is a white tail deer endangered?

no if they were indangererd the department of fish and wildlife ressource wouldn't allow us to hunt for them ........ they are in danger of me shooting them lol ;)

Is white tail deer endangered?

no if they were indangererd the department of fish and wildlife ressource wouldn't allow us to hunt for them ........ they are in danger of me shooting them lol ;)

What type of consumer is a white tail deer?

A white tailed deer is a herbivore.