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because its going extinct

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Q: Why don't we see red squirrels anymore?
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If you don't see him anymore, you should move on but if you love him find him and be with him.

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Because their in florida

Do squirrels see in color?

Yes, squirrels have the ability to see colors. Their vision includes a range of colors, including blues, greens, and yellows. This ability helps them identify ripe fruits and other food sources in their surroundings.

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If you are finished with it and dont really want it anymore then i dont see why not.

What animal eats a red squirrel?

No. Red squirrels and grey squirrels are from the same family. that doesn't mean a red squirrel can have grey squirrel babies, or the opposite. Red squirrels could get angry at grey squirrels, I mean, you could attack anyone or anything. But at all, it's unlikely that you would see a grey squirrel with a red squirrel. they have different habitats. If food is scarce in an area of cohabitation, the Gray will chase the Reds from the area because of their larger size.

Why do you see blue after staring at red?

u dont

Do squirrels eat their own periods?

squirrels always eat their own period. they find it very yummy, they always sit in their little squirrel houses, eating their little squirrel period from little squirrel bowls. They always call their little squirrel cousins and ask them round to their house to see if they want to watch. While their at it they eat each other out. Of course squirrels dont eat their period, i dont even think squirrels have periods.

Why dont I want to eat speak and sleep anymore?

you may be depressed. It is best to go and see your doctor.

How do you know when your not in love with your girlfriend anymore?

you can tell easy by a few things. for example, if you dont feel the same way, and you are looking for excuses not to see them or talk to them, you probably dont love them like you used to. it could also just be that the spark is gone and you dont feel the same connection anymore.

Can squirrels see a laser?

Like most marsupials, possums see using their sharp eyes.

What is a male squirrel?

This depends on the specific species. Although "Squirrels" refers to the animal family "Sciuridae," which includes tree squirrels, ground squirrels, marmots, flying squirrels, and chipmunks, I assume that you are talking about "Tree squirrels." Most tree squirrel species have sexes of similar height.

Where can you go to see squirrels?

on the USA