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1) because of the people destroy their homes.

2) because of the people who kills them.

3) because of the other carniverous animal eat the other animal for them to have food in order to survive

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They fail to adapt to a new environment, or environmental pressures, such as human encroachment on the species range, will drive the species into extinction.

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Q: Why do organisms go for extinction?
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When organisms disappear from the earth?


What is the connection between extinction and reproductive capabilities of organisms?

There is probably a more complicated answer, but if animals can't reproduce, they go extinct.

What is a term for when organisms disappear from the earth?

An extinction event.

What is it called when organisms dissappear from the Earth?

This term is extinction.

The death of all the organisms of a species?

Extinct (Extinction)

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The extinction rates of terrestrial and freshwater organisms varies per location. This is largely dependent on other growing and declining populations.

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They could not hibernate or go very long without resources.

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The process in which groups of organisms die out is called extinction. Extinction occurs when a particular species cannot adapt to changing environmental conditions or faces competition from other species, leading to their eventual disappearance.

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Is extinction a part of the theory of evolution?

Extinction is a natural part of the theory of evolution. It occurs when a species is no longer able to adapt to its changing environment or faces competition and is unable to survive. Extinction can lead to the evolution of new species as surviving organisms adapt to fill the ecological niches left by extinct species.

What would it be called if all organisms of a specific species were to disappear?

The disappearance of all organisms of a specific species would be called extinction. This event can have significant ecological impacts on the ecosystem that the species once inhabited.

How does the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction relate to the age of Mammals?

The extinction of so many organisms left a large ecological niche to expand into, which mammals did.