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Because we humans are tearing down there natural habitat which forces the animals to come into our community. It's because their habitats are slowly diminishing. Animals are becoming extinct because humans are killing them for money, like when humans kill rhinos for their horns. also like the dinos there probly was a comet the made a dust storm and it bloked the sun wicth was used for the plants to grow and the plant eaters would die because the would eat the plants and the meat eaters would feast on there meat but, with out the plant eaters the meat eaters would die to because they would not find meat to eat. so it is kind off like that the plant eaters would die and the meat eaters would not really find meat so they would die too. It also depends on the weather too

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14y ago

Humans destroy their habitat and re posses their food. They become threatened. If humans do not cease that, the animal will become endangered. After that, they are extinct and not one of the animal will ever live on this planet again. It is very sad.

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Q: Why do animals become extinic?
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