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Q: Why are white flippered penguins endangered?
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Where do white flippered penguins live?

they live in Africa

What White Flippered Penguins eat?

They feed on small shoaling fish or squid, and less often on crustaceans.

When was White-flippered Penguin created?

White-flippered Penguin was created in 1874.

How endangered are penguins?

Some species of penguins are currently on the endangered list. Climate change and humans are responsible for penguins becoming endangered.

Are humbolt penguins endangered?

Yes. This is one of five endangered penguins.

How are penguins becoming endangered?

Some species of penguins are currently on the endangered list. Climate change and humans are responsible for penguins becoming endangered.

Is the penguin endangered?

are penguins endangered

Are penguins endangered spieces?

no penguins are threatened

Are endangered penguins endangered?

well yes

What kind of penguins are endangered?

the most endangered penguins are the galapagoes penguin and the yellow eyed penguin.

Are penguins and puffins endangered?

Some species of penguins are endangered. Puffins are watched and there are groups lobbying to place them on the endangered species list.

What penguins species are endangered?

yellow eyed penguins