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Some types of wallabies are endangered, others are not. Rock wallabies seem to be the most endangered, with some fifteen species known to have become extinct since European settlement. They are particularly prone to habitat loss through urbanisation or agriculture, and they are also vulnerable to introduced species such as foxes and feral cats and dogs.

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13y ago
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13y ago

There are many species of wallabies, and most are notendangered. The ones that are have suffered from habitat loss, and from competetion with the Red Fox, along with other placental mammals.

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11y ago

There are many species of rock wallaby, and not all of them are endangered. Those that are endangered are so largely due to introduced species such as foxes. Foxes are agile enough to reach the rock wallabies' habitats in rocky cliff faces.

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15y ago

Wallabies are generally not considered pests in their native land of Australia, except on Kangaroo island, where their numbers have grown so much that they threaten echidnas' habitats. Like possums, however, wallabies have become a significant problem in New Zealand (to which they were introduced in the 1870s) because they feed on and destroy the habitat of the more delicate native New Zealand bird species. Their prolific breeding in the absence of natural predators means they are free to virtually plunder the native forests. They also threaten valuable pastureland.

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