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The pioneer species begins an ecosystem for succession such as lichens. They start an ecosystem after the previous was destroyed or start an all new one

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Ellen Funk

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Q: Why are pioneer specie?
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What is an example of a pioneer species in secondary succession?

After the eruption, plants began to colonize the volcanic debris. Such plants that is called pioneer species

Why must the pollens only fertilize the same specie?

Because the pollen from one specie will not fertilize a seed from another specie.

Why did Massachusetts require that taxes be paid in specie?

Massachusetts taxes are paid in specie for two different reasons. One reason was because specie was rare and for two specie was worth more.

What are species called when they are brought to a place they never lived?

An exotic specie. An alien specie. A non-native specie. All are acceptable.

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Insects actually have more than one specie. Insects are a life group. For example, a specie would be predator insects, which is one specie. Insects actually have more than one specie. Insects are a life group. For example, a specie would be predator insects, which is one specie. THERE ARE 19,000 DIFFERENT SPECIES

When was Yokohama Specie Bank created?

Yokohama Specie Bank was created in 1880.

Is the Goby fish an invasive specie?

Yes, it is a very dangerous invasive specie.

When was Evoluzione della specie created?

Evoluzione della specie was created on 2011-05-17.

What is specie?

Specie is money to pay taxes used in the colonial time during theoaid 17 and 18 hundreds. Usually colonists paid their taxes off in gold and silver. This is considered specie.

How can you sample specie?

By smelling

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