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The peregrine is no longer an endangered species. It has recovered after the pesticide DDT was banned.

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Q: Why are pergine falcons endangered?
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Are falcons endangerd?

This species is not endangered, with a worldwide range.

Are falcons endangered today?

No. Not any more they were taken off the endangered species list in 1999.

Are peregrine falcons endandered?

The peregrine falcon is not an endangered species.

Why are peregrine falcons endandered?

The peregrine falcon is not an endangered species.

Why are laggar falcons endangered?

they are endangered because it is either few in numbers or threatened by changing environmental or predation parameters.

Are falcons endangered?

The Peregrine falcon was at one time listed among the endangered species in the United States. This bird is no longer listed as endangered but is still monitored.

Can humans eat falcons and are there any health issues?

falcons are often endangered so eating them would be out of the question. There are often hefty fines associated with harming them