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They are endangered either because of global warming,hunting or maybe just because there isn't enought food for them to eat so don't be worried about them they are just like people in some sort of a way.

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Q: Why are hooded seals endangered?
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Related questions

What kind of animals are hunting seals?

Canada hunts grey seals, harp seals and hooded seals

What are six types of seals?

harp seal walrus elephant seal leopard seal There are 13 to 18 different types of seals.

What depth can a hooded seal reach?

Hooded seals can dive down over 3,000 feet and also remain underwater for almost an hour.

Why are Guadalupe fur seals endangered?

Guadalupe fur seals are endangered because people kill them for fur.

Where does the hooded seal live?

Hooded seals are usually found in the North Atlantic Ocean, particularly around the Arctic and sub-Arctic regions. They spend most of their time in icy waters and on pack ice, where they breed and raise their young.

Why is the hooded warbler endangered?

The hooded warbler is not currently considered endangered. It is listed as a species of "Least Concern" on the IUCN Red List, meaning its population is stable and not facing any major threats to its survival. However, like many bird species, it may face habitat loss and fragmentation due to human activities in the future.

What do hooded seals eat?

Hooded seals are carnivores, so they only eat biotic animals. They eat attic fish, shrimp, squid, mussels, starfish, herring, and cod. They can also eat most animals that are related to these if needed.

Are Antarctic seals endangered?


Why are seals endangerd?

Seals are endangered to the pollution of the oceans. They are also endangered because some people poach the water animals.

How many seals are there in antarctica?

7: elephant seals,harp seals, cabeater seals, ross seals, leopard seals, wendell seals and hooded seals

Are Antarctic fur seals endangered?


Are ross seals endangered?
