The correct name is "honey possum".
Like all terrestrial mammals, honey possums have four limbs.
Animals that eat nectar include butterflies, hummingbirds, Honey possums, and certain types of geckos. Animals that eat nectar are called nectarivores.
The smallest newborn mammals in the world are the honey possums. A newborn honey possum only weighs a total of 0.00018 ounces.
Brushtail possums have a thick, bushy, brush-like tail.
If you are asking about the Honey Possum, they don't really eat honey. They eat or survive on the pollen, and nectar of flowers only. They live in Western Australia, and they aren't even really possums. They are tiny marsupials. The Honey Possum is called a "nectarivorous", one of the few mammals in the world that specializes in eating just the nectar of flowers. They have a long snout, with few teeth, and a long tongue that is "protusible" with a feathery tip for dipping up pollen and nectar. For more details, see the sites listed below.
The predators of true possums, which live in Australia, are eagles, hawks, owls and quolls. Foxes, which have been introduced to Australia, are also predators of possums. Possums should not be confused with opossums, which live in North America, and are not related to possums.
There is no particular name for a female possum.
Possums that live in the city still feed on vegetation, fruit and nectar, as there are plenty of plants in suburban areas, causing possum populations to flourish. In addition, many possums have been known to feed on pet food that is left outdoors, while others are fed bread and honey by misguided homeowners.
Possums are marsupials with respiratory systems identical to mammals, as they are mammals. They breathe in through contraction of the diaphragm and expansion of the rib cage to pull air into the lungs; exhalation is a passive relaxation of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles.
Possums are not the same as opossums. Possums live in Australia and nearby islands, so they are able to eat the same basic foods in winter as they do in summer, as food supplies remain plentiful. Possums are essentially herbivorous and insectivorous, meaning they eat a variety of foods. Possums' feeding habits range from omnivores (the Common Brushtail possum) to specialist browsers of eucalyptus (Greater Glider), insectivores (Mountain Pygmy Possum) and nectar-feeders (Honey Possum). In the wild, they eat young shoots, leaves, flowers, nectar and fruit of a variety of trees and shrubs. They also feed on insects. Possums also enjoy a feed of bread and honey put out by helpful suburban homeowners. However, it is best not to feed possums as they may become dependent on people for their food supply.