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The Bottlenose Dolphin (type hunted by Japanese fishermen) is NOT listed as an endangered animal, and I have NEVER seen it on any official endangered species list, although i believe certain specific types of Dolphins are, such as the Indus River Dolphin.

Although fishing for tuna and other fish have been careful as of late, they are still caught in fishing nets. The other reason probably more prevalent has to do with global warming, As Dolphins migrate and also search for warmer waters they often end up more inland and in bays and gulfs too close too land and they are basically lost and can not swim or direct themselves out, because Dolphins swim in pods they are often led by a leader and they all follow him and get lost and will end up beaching themselves because they are simply exhausted from swimming trying to find their way out to open water. There is also some study done on diseases.

There are some dolphin species in trouble, for sure, but others are doing well. Check IUCN Redlist for endangered dolphin species. There is no evidence whatsoever that shows that climate change is harming dolphins, or that if it really exists.

They get caught in fishing nets and are covered by other fish and cant get up to breath so they die.
Dolphins, in general, are not threatened or endangered, although two sub-species of dolphin are in the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service's Threatened & Endangered Species database. They are the Chinese River Dolphin and the Indus River Dolphin. (See the nearby link.) People have the misconception that dolphins are endangered because of negative publicity surrounding their being killed as a result of commercial fishing. Fishermen harvesting tuna and swordfish and other deep-water species use "long-lines" or nets that accidentally snare dolphins, which drown when they can't surface for air.
dolphins are going extinct because they are caught in fishermen's nets while they are tuna fishing.
Dolphins are endangered mainly due to the result of human activities. River habitat is getting seriously disturbed by the construction of dams and boat traffic. Other reasons include entanglement, habitat loss, commercial harvest, climate change, toxins, water pollution, etc.
dolphins are endangered because they get caught up in fishing nets and die they are big creatures so it is hard for them to get out.

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βˆ™ 7y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Dolphins are not endangered as a whole. They adapt easily and relatively quickly due to their high intelligence. However, some species of dolphins in certain areas are in threat of dying out due to human waste, corruption, interference, killing, and overall actions.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

People keep on killing them for the meat to eat.

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