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People are testing on them and some people use them for deco

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Q: Why are California sea otters going extinct?
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Why are sea otters going extinct?

otters are a little extinct but are recovering.

Where do California sea otters rest?

where do sea otters rest

Why are sea otters getting extinct?

people are hunting them

Where in California do sea otters live?


Can you hunt sea otters in California?

yes it is

Where do California sea otters hang out?

In California, sea otters populate islands off the coast from Half Moon Bay to Point Conception. On the island of San Miguel there is a small population of rescued sea otters who have been placed there.

What would sea otters do if crabs were extinct?

They would also be extinct because if there is no crabs ( which is their food) they would die.

Do sea otters live in California?

yes sea turtles live in northern california

Do sea otters live off the coast of any state in the US?

Yes sea otters live off the coast of California USA

How did the Sea Otters become extinct?

Sea Otters are not extinct. they became endangered by being hunted by the russians people still poach(george steller waz the reason for this

What would happen if sea otters died?

sea otters eat sea urchins so if the otters went extinct the sea urchin population would grow too big and they would eat the plants faster that they could grow. other fish that ate plants would go extinct, then the animals that ate them would go extinct. in other words... the ecosystem would be ruined.

How long are sea otters?

California sea otters are roughly 4 feet long. Northern sea otters are slightly larger. They weigh up to approximately 45 lbs (females) - 65 lbs (males). Northern sea otters can reach up to 100 pounds.