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Although not a common species, the ivory gull is listed as "Near Threatened", not endangered, by the IUCN.

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Because of the predators eating it

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Q: Why Is The Ivory Gull Endangered?
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Related questions

What is an ivory gull?

an ivory gull is a small white gull that lives in the artic

Where does a ivory gull live?

Small white gull lives in the Arctic. ;)

Is the laughing gull endangered?

The Laughing Gull is not endangered at all! it is actually in the least concern category.

Is an ivory gull an omnivore herbivore or carnivore?

An ivory gull is a carnivore, feeding mainly on fish, invertebrates, and small mammals. They are opportunistic feeders and may also scavenge on carrion or feed on human refuse.

Are sea gulls an endangered species?

No That depends on the type of gull.

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It is illegal to sell elephant ivory since they are endangered.

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The elephant is an endangered animal because they are being poached for their ivory.

Are there different kinds of crows?

There are many different species of seagull. Some are common, others rare, some are only found in certain areas, whereas others are found world wide. Here are a few of the different kinds of seagull: * Dolphin Gull * Pacific Gull * Black-tailed Gull * White-eyed Gull * Sooty Gull * Common Gull * Ring-billed Gull * Great Black-backed Gull * Kelp Gull * California Gull * Glaucous Gull * Iceland Gull * Yellow-footed Gull * Herring Gull * Caspian Gull * East Siberian Herring Gull * Armenian Gull * Grey-headed Gull * Brown-headed Gull * Hartlaub's Gull * Silver Gull * Black-billed Gull * Brown-billed Gull * Red-billed Gull * Slender-billed Gull * Black-headed Gull * Mediterranean Gull * Lava Gull * Laughing Gull * Little Gull * Red-legged Kittiwake * Black legged Kittiwake * Ivory Gull * Swallow-tailed Gull