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they become endangered in 2099.

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Q: When did the loggerhead become endangered?
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Is the loggerhead turtle endangered?


Is the loggerhead sea turtle endangered?


Why is Loggerhead Sea Turtle endangered?

Loggerhead turtles have become endangered because they get tangled in old lost fishing nets and cannot come up to the surface to breath and they drown. They also choke to death when they mistake plastic bags for jellyfish or they try to eat other plastic objects.

What is the current status of the loggerhead sea turtle?

What is the population of the loggerhead sea turtles berfore they became an endangered species

What does endangered loggerhead turtles mean?

it means there are not many loggerhead turtles left. It doesn't mean anything because they are not endangered. They are listed as threatened. No one knows what the population numbers really are.

Why are loggerhead sea turtles endangerd?

They are endangered because of animals eating and feeding on them.

Why are loggerhead sea turtles endangered?

There are many different reasons, but one of the main ones are the over harvesting for food and turtle products.

What is being done to remove the loggerhead sea turtle from the endangered list?

They are several national lawa being passed to protect them like the Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna, which means that international trade of this species is prohibited! Loggerhead sea turtles are protected by a lot of different national laws! For more information, go to google and type in Office of Protected Resources...on their home page, it will have different species of turtles and click on loggerhead turtle!

When did pikas become endangered?

they started to become endangered when global warming had started to increase

When do cheetahs get endangered?

they become endangered when the food they eat is scarce.

When did polarbears become endangered?

They are listed as vulnurable or threatened, not endangered.

What year did peacocks become endangered?

Peacocks and peahens are not endangered.