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Animal extinction started before the human race was created. Animal extinction is older than the dinosaurs.

Many species of animal became extinct before the dinosaurs existed, and extinctions of animals continue today.

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12y ago
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14y ago

They are not endangered, no group with any logical science background claims this.

What some groups (note absence of the word science) do claim is that someday, if global warming is true and grows, that they could become endangered.... at some point.

They are growing in numbers. They even allow hunting because their numbers are over 25,000.

The picture of the lonely bear stuck on a glacier that AlGore and other individuals have used to obtain money for them, shows a lack of understanding of the bear. One of their alternate names is that of Sea Bear because they enjoy long swims (sometimes for days) in the ocean. The picture is merely a bear in it's natural hunting position.

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11y ago

Extinction is the rule, not the exception. Plant and animal species have been going extinct since the beginning of their existence. Individual species that cannot compete

for food, water or territory, cannot hide or defend themselves or cannot adapt become extinct.

So about 3.3 billion years ago when the first life showed up on the scene.

Or....if you believe in special creation, about 6 thousand years ago.

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12y ago

Animals go extinct when their entire species is killed off, so basically, anytime.

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Why are endangered animals becoming extinct?

because humans are destroying their ecosystems and the animals are eating stuff that has been tainted by our chemicals.

What percentage of the worlds animals have least concern of going extinct?

So far, over 1,000 species of animals have gone extinct, and over 500 species of animals are endangered right now. It is hard to determine the percent of animals not endangered because animals are becoming endangered every minute.

How are animals becoming endangered?

One way for an animal to be endangered is over hunting, traping, killing, eating purposes, and for goods such as hides and bones.

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The noun form for the verb to endanger is endangerment.