The Grus Americana belongs to which species group invertebrate animals or ferns or nonflowering plants or birds?
The Grus americana does not belong to any plant groups, flowering or fern. It's an animal, as the scientific listing below indicates. The Kingdom is "Animalia", meaning that Grus americana is an animal, while the Phylum is "Chordata", which means it belongs with the group of vertebrate animals, and the Class is "Aves" and that indicates it's feathered and lays eggs. This species is listed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services, Endangered Species List, and according to the listing status, the Grus americana is an "endangered" bird. The following is the full scientific classification for the species "Grus americana", or as they are more commonly known, the WhoopingCrane; * Kingdom: Animalia * Phylum: Chordata * Class: Aves * Order: Gruiformes * Family: Gruidae * Genus: Grus * Species: Grus americana For more details, please see sites listed below.