Do need to do 2 things. Tell your mother and the police if you have been threatened.
A mother bear might attack a human if she feels her cubs have been threatened.
No. Baby rattlesnakes live on their own. They bite when threatened.
A child should never feel truly threatened by any of their family members. Scared of getting a spanking, sure, but not actually scared that they may be beaten up or killed. If you seriously feel threatened, you should tell someone like a policeman or another adult in your family who would help you get out of the situation.
Yes, it would be a good idea, otherwise the mother may feel threatened and abandon her kittens or the other cats may attack the defenseless kittens and/or the mother.
When threatened with a gun, I think you should sue for as much as you can.
You Should tell an Adult right away.
A mother rabbit may kill her babies if she feels threatened, stressed, or if she perceives them to be sick or weak.
Males smack the sides of their mouths to attract females. Females might return the noise. Young sneeze if separated from their mother and hiss if threatened. Adults may growl if threatened.
Yes, mother rabbits may sometimes kill their babies if they feel threatened or stressed, or if they sense that their offspring are sick or weak.
Baby ferrets should not be disturbed or handled by humans for about the first week, because a Jill may feel threatened and might cannibalize her babies Are the baby ferrets are old enough to be without their mother (weaned and eating solid foods), then there shouldn't be any problem putting them back with the mother.
A mother ferret will cannibalize her young if she feels threatened. It gives her protein and she will go into heat and have another litter, instead of a predator taking her kits,