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i think it will make the rainforest very hot and very dry

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u wiil suck

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Q: What might happen in a tropical rain forest biome if the area received very little rain for a long period of time?
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What might happen in a tropical rain forest biome if the area received very little rain for an extended period of time?

Possibly a forest fire. That would leave the forest as a meadow or prairie, to start all over again.

A biome that has a hot-to-moderate temperatures and very little rainfall is the tropical rain forest biome?

A tropical rainforest

Are tropical rain forest trees wide apart?

No, they are so close together that little light reaches the forest floor.

What is A forest or jungle near the equator that is characterized by large amounts of rain and little variation in temperature and that contains the greatest known diversity of organisms?

Such a forest is called a Tropical Rain Forest

What are the five biomes?

The five major biomes are tundra, taiga, temperate deciduous forest, grasslands, and tropical rainforest. Each biome has distinct climate, fauna, and flora characteristics that differentiate it from the others.

What is the biome that Madagascar is located in?

Tropical and Subtropical Moist Broadleaf Forests. information: AND a little bit of savanna. just saying. np yo.

What will happen if no animals in forest?

no humans would be able to survive on earth due to too little food

Describe a climate you might find in a tropical zone?

A tropical climate typically features high temperatures year-round, with little variation between seasons. These regions often experience high humidity levels and frequent rainfall, supporting lush and diverse ecosystems such as rainforests. Tropical climates are found near the equator and can have distinct wet and dry seasons.

What 2 biomes that Canada doesn't have?

The 2 biomes that are not in Canada are the tropical forest and the desert. The other 4 are definitley in Canada. *Edit* Actually Canada has a very little desert biome in southern B.C. so I think it could be tropical rain forest and chaparral. It depends which list of biomes you are choosing from.

In which climate type would you find the Everglades?

Tropical Grassland

What might happen if all the trees in the forest ecosystem were cut down?

there actually be little to no trees and possibly we would all die

Why does little sunlight reach the ground in a tropical rain forest?

The dense canopy of trees in a tropical rainforest blocks out much of the sunlight, preventing it from reaching the ground. The canopy layers absorb and use the sunlight for photosynthesis, leaving little light to penetrate through to the lower levels. Additionally, the high humidity and constant cloud cover in tropical rainforests can further reduce the amount of sunlight that reaches the ground.