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there will be meany

more extinct,threatened


that will die of hunger for there food will be gone

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Q: What may happen if yellow eye penguins become extinct?
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When will the yellow eyed penguins become extinct?

no one knows, the yellow eyed penguin's population is 30000 at least so they may be extinct in a few years or so:(

Any yellow penguins?

Not that I know of, but there are yellow eyed penguins

A fact about penguins?

penguins there have yellow on them

What kind of patterns can penguins have?

Penguins can sometimes have yellow on their chest or have yellow eye.

How many types of penguins breed on the Antarctic continent?

penquins are being extinct because people are throwing garbage in the ocean and the penquins are eating the garbage so they are being extinct today.Also because th water they lived in is unfrizzing antrtica is unfrezzing thats why penquins are being extinct today.

What penguins species are endangered?

yellow eyed penguins

How do the yellow eyed penguins communctiue?

with their yellow eyes

Did yellow eyed penguins really choke on poop yellow eyed penguins?

Your parents are child molesting turds m'kay.

How many yellow-eyed penguins are left in the world?

The estimated entire population of yellow-eyed penguins is 4000.

Are yellow eyed penguins nocturnal?

You would have to be a complete idiot to believe this. (well that is if you mean yellow penguins on club penguin of course) NO YELLOW PENGUINS ARE NOCTURNAL! Because I have a lot of Buddy's who are yellow and they are not nocturnal! And does anyone know if club penguin is on at night time?

What color are gentoo penguins?


How many penguins do you have to beat on club penguin to get a yellow belt?

50 Penguins......