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Baby Dolphins of all species of Dolphins are called calves.

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pink dolphin, Delphin Colorado can be found in the Amazon.

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pink bottle nose dolphins

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Q: What kind of animal is a pink dolphin?
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What is pink but not red seen and not seen and is an animal?

a pink dolphin

What is animal Encantado?

the pink amazon dolphin as such.

Is the pink dolphin the same as the Chinese river dolphin?

No, The Chinese dolphin is its own kind. The pink dolphin is a Albino dolphin thus being very pale comming off as a baby pink, and having red eyes.

What is Lois's favorite animal?

pink river dolphin

Is a pink dolphin a kind of dolphin?

yes but no. it is a dolphin but its from another family than the regular ''pink river dolphin" on imagesit looks like any other regular dolphin.

What is Lois Lowry's favorite animal?

pink river dolphin

Why should people care about Pink Dolphins?

The pink dolphin or Amazon river dolphin may or may not be endangered. It is difficult to know the population of this animal. Bolivia considers the pink river dolphin a national treasure.

What kind of climate does a pink dolphin live in?

pink dolphins live in revers or lakes

Is a river dolphin a fish?

kind of just it is a lot bigger and the main on is the pink nosed dolphin

What is a boto dolphin?

The Boto dolphin, or Amazon River Dolphin, is also called the Boutu or Pink River Dolphin. It is a freshwater dolphin living in the Amazon and Orinoco River basins in South America. It is endangered, and eats mainly fish, but will also eat shrimp, turtles and some amphibians.

What animal doesn't see good?

the pink dolphin of the Amazon River. It uses echolocation

What kind of animal does Taemin like?

Taemin's favorite animal is a dolphin