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One of the major causes of present day species extinction is to be blamed on humans. Humans have taken over land driving out animals. Humans have developed the land without taking care to prevent pollution properly which destroys resources for the animals.

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10y ago
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10y ago

The main thing that causes an animal species to be considered endangered is loss of habitat.

If the loss of habitat is not corrected fast enough, that species of animal will become extinct.

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7y ago

Some of the main causes of species extinction include (but are not limited to):

  • Loss of habitat - can be man-caused or natural.
  • Extreme and/or sudden changes in environment - usually natural (think dinosaurs)
  • Over-hunting for food, fur, as nuisance animals, parts for profit, etc. - currently mostly man-caused.
  • Disease - usually natural, but can be spread through human activity
  • Competition and evolution.
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13y ago

The main cause is of humans polluting and killing what was here before us.

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11y ago

the main cause for extinctaion would probly be habitata dissapearing depending on the species.

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The three primary man made factors that cause extinction are as follows: 1. Deforestation, either for developing, farming, or lumber is causing many species to be threatened or even endangered. 2. Overhunting, overfishing, and poaching are threatening many species of animals. 3. Pollution, which can cause trouble ranging from global warming, to toxin induced illnesses, and some animals even get their digestive system totally stopped up by unwittingly eating so much trash. That leads to starvation once there is too much trash in the animal's gut for their to be food

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Extinction is the rule, not the exception. That being said, I would not like to be responsible for the extinction of an animal.