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Q: What is the most ancestral extinct tetrapods?
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Which group of fishes are most closely related to ancestral amphibians?


Which group of fishes are most closely related to the ancestral amphibians?

The group of fishes most closely related to ancestral amphibians are the lobe-finned fishes, which include the coelacanths and lungfishes. These fishes share certain characteristics with amphibians, such as limbs with digits and lungs or lung-like structures, indicating a close evolutionary relationship.

When did ancestral mammoths become extinct?

around 2009 June 19

What evolves to become the ancestor of all four limbed animals?

All four-limbed animals belong to the clade of Tetrapoda. The clade of Tetrapoda is defined as the first basal four-limbed animals and all their descendants, extant and extinct. The clade immediately superior (ancestral) to that is the clade of Teleostomi, which contains all jawed vertebrates, including the tetrapods, bony fish, and the extinct lineage of acanthodian fish.

How many limb are tetrapods typically considered to have?

The word "tetrapod" literally translates as "four legs." Most tetrapods have four limbs, not counting the tail. There are some exceptions, snakes being the most obvious.

Which evolutionary innovation was most significant in helping tetrapods move to dry terrestrial environments?

The evolution of limbs with digits was the most significant innovation that helped tetrapods move onto dry terrestrial environments. This adaptation allowed for weight support, better mobility, and the ability to navigate various terrains.

What is an innovation associated with amphibians?

They are tetrapods.

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Lions are not extinct yet.

How much do tetrapods cost?

£1 from poundland

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