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Human inpact twoards marmots includes, roadkill, being hunted, etc

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Q: What is the human impact on then Vancouver island marmot?
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How and why is Vancouver island marmot endangered?

The Vancouver Island marmot is endangered due to habitat loss, human disturbance, predation, and climate change. Conservation efforts are focused on protecting their habitat, managing predators, reintroducing captive-bred marmots, and monitoring population trends to ensure their survival. Public awareness and support are also crucial in helping the Vancouver Island marmot recover its population numbers.

Define human impact?

human impact means an activity on a place which there is no human such as nature (forests and mountains)

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Human impact refers to the effects that human activities have on the environment, ecosystems, and other living organisms. These impacts can be positive or negative and can include changes to habitats, pollution, resource depletion, and climate change. Understanding and minimizing human impact is essential for sustainable development and maintaining a healthy planet.

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