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Q: What is the hard substance that covers your teeth?
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What is the hardest substance in the human body?

Enamel, which covers the outer layer of teeth, is the hardest substance in the human body. It is even harder than bone.

What is the hard shiny substance called that protects your teeth?


How strong are tigers teeth?

The enamel that covers the teeth is the strongest substance in the body. The dentin that lays just under the enamel is the second strongest substance in the body, even stronger than bone itself.

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What element makes up the hard coating on teeth?

Enamel, it is the hardest substance in the human body.

How do microbes damage teeth?

Microbes damage teeth by forming a hard, off white colored substance called plaque. Plaque causes gum disease which will make the teeth bad if not treated in time.

How does plaque affect your teeth?

Dental plaque is, well, bacterial excrement (ie: pooh). It is a biofilm that covers teeth and builds up as a yellow calculus that covers the base of teeth or the whole tooth if left untreated. Plaque is bad because it releases acids that degrade the teeth, acts as a barrier to the natural movement of saliva (which remineralises teeth) and as stated builds up as a hard yellow calculus (tarter). also you suck

A hard substance deposited on teeth?

I'm pretty sure it's enamal, sorry if that's spelled wrong.

Do humans have true bony teeth?

No, humans do not have true bony teeth. Teeth are composed of hard tissues like enamel, dentin, and cementum, which are different from bone tissue. Teeth are attached to the jawbone through the periodontal ligament.

Which structure is made of enamel?

Tooth enamel is the outermost layer of the tooth that is made of a hard mineralized substance.

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The is the pink tissue that surrounds the teeth and covers the alveolar?

Gums are the pink tissue that surround the teeth and covers the alveolar. The function of the gums is to protect the teeth and support the mouth's structure.