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Giant panda, South China tiger.

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Q: What is the endangered animal in China?
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What is China's most endangered animal?

Panda bear.

Why did the panda become an endangered animal?

the people in china killed it for food and because they were useless

Where in the world does a panda live?

China, where there have of bamboo trees. Panda is one of the endangered animal

Where does the panda live in the world?

China, where there have of bamboo trees. Panda is one of the endangered animal

What is an unusual animal in China and why?

The Takin; The Takin is an endemic animal of China. It is one of the rarest and most endangered animals in the world. They look kind of funny (to me anyway) too. =]

Where in the world does a panda bear live?

China, where there have of bamboo trees. Panda is one of the endangered animal

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What does the Giant Panda symbolize in China?

The Giant Panda symbolizes peace, friendship, and power in China. This animal is also a symbol of endangered animals used by the World Wildlife Fund.

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you call an animal expert.

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