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It depends on which species is, humans have been here for a while, but so have many more, it just depends on how large of a population, and how messed up the food chain is

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Q: What is the average time that a species spends on earth before it becomes extinct?
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Average time a species spend on earth before it is extinct?

The average time a species spends on Earth before going extinct is difficult to determine, as it can vary greatly depending on the species and its environment. Some species have existed for millions of years, while others may go extinct relatively quickly due to various factors such as habitat loss, climate change, or competition from other species. Extinction is a natural part of the evolutionary process, but human activities have accelerated the rate of extinction in recent times.

How long is an animal endangered before it is classified extinct?

It is classified as extinct when there are NO animals of that species left, not one.

How many species have gone extinct since 1681?

It is hard to calculate the number of animals that have become extinct since 1681 since some species went extinct before scientists knew they existed. What is known is that more than 90 species of birds and hundreds of species of mammals have gone extinct since then.

How many animals are excinct?

It is hard to determine exactly how many animal species are extinct because some species become extinct before scientists even know they existed. As far as science can tell, there are over 900 extinct species.

When will flies become extinct?

Flies will likely continue to evolve for another 1.1 billion years before extinction. The current species will have gone extinct (replaced with a new species of Fly) long before then.

What if the Gila woodpecker was extinct?

A lot of things will have had to have gone extinct before something like the redheaded woodpecker will disappear.

Why frozen ice age leads titanoboa to death?

None did. Titanoboa went extinct long before the ice ages began. Species go extinct fairly regularly do to environmental changes and competition with other species.

Was there a last Sabre toothed tiger?

Any species that goes extinct has a last surviving individual. So yes, there was a last surviving saber toothed cat before they went extinct.

How many species of animals have there ever been?

there have been too many to count, like animals that were extinct before we were here

How long does the average species last before they die?

Over the entire evolutionary history, species can be expected to last on average about 2 million years

What can cause species to become extinct?

Over hunting by humans Pollution Loss of habitat Loss of food supply Disease Natural disaster And sometimes just by natural selection

What can we do to help the panda before it becomes extinct?

plant more bamboo for the pandas they wont adpated to other foods.Euther do that or force them to eat different foods.