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An endemic disease is one that is continuously present in the population, often because there is a non-human reservoir for the microbe that causes it. An epidemic disease is one that spreads in a sudden, massive surge within a population that is largely without immune protection.

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Q: What is the Difference between endemic and epidemic disease?
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What is the difference between epidemic and endemic in term of community?

An epidemic is a sudden outbreak of a disease (or metaphorically, something that is being compared to a disease, such as an epidemic of crime). A disease can also be described as endemic, which means that there is some incidence of that disease which is always present and doesn't go away.

Is trichomoniasis an epidemic disease?

Trichomoniasis is not an epidemic disease. It is endemic.

Is Lyme Disease endemic epidemic or pandemic?


Is Ebola a pandemic or a epidemic?

Ebola would be an epidemic. The difference between a pandemic and an epidemic is the population size and locality of infection. An epidemic is a greater than normal amount of infection in a particular area or when infection occurs in an area that isn't normally associated with a certain disease. A pandemic is when the epidemic reaches to world wide proportions.

Is hepatitis b is epidemic or endemic?

Whether hepatitis B (or any disease) is considered epidemic or endemic depends on its prevalence in the population. Hepatitis B is endemic in China where 8-10 % of the population is chronically infected but endemic in the US where the prevalence is less than 1%.

The major difference between an endemic and a pandemic disease is that?

When you say endemic it means a disease that is constantly present to a greater or lesser degree in people of a certain class or in people living in a particular location while epidemic means a widespread outbreak of an infectious disease. Conclusion: Epidemic doesn't happen most of the time, it only occurs in a specific point in time unlike endemic (which is always present) in most of the time in a particular place or area.

Endemic in a sentence?

Diseases that had been epidemic became endemic in urban centers.

What is a sentence with the word endemic?

(The word endemic is pronounced (en-DEM-ik), meaning "native". The terminology is used in the medical field for a disease caused by a particular event such as an earthquake or volcano, or one confined to a certain region or location. Not to be confused with epidemic, a widespread disease outbreak.)"Malaria is endemic in tropical climates.""Many species of lemurs are endemic to Madagascar.""We had to deal with the endemic corruption of the country."

What rhymes with epidemic?


Why do endemic disease caused in a particular place?

they are caused beacause they are endemic disease

What is an endemic area?

An endemic area is a geographical area where a particular disease is prevalent.

What are types of epidemiology?

There are three main category of epidemology;Endemic is a disease that is constantly present to a greater or lesser degree in people of a certain class or in people living in a particular location; an epidemic is a widespread outbreak of an infectious disease that infects many people at the same time; a pandemic is an epidemic that is geographically widespread occurring throughout a region or even throughout the worl