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Saber toothed cats were a subfamily of cats called Machairodontinae. There were many species, and each one had its own scientific name. Some scientific names of saber toothed cats include Smilodon fatalis and Xenosmilus hodsonae.

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How long was a saber tooths teeth?

7 inches

What does the saber tooths eat?

they were believed to eat BABY wooly mammoths and some preostoric sloths, there was also a early time of deer which could have also been consumed by the saber tooths

Is the saber tooth an endangered animal?

They are well beyond endangered, the Saber-tooths became extinct around 11,000 years ago.

Where can you find maps on where saber tooths lived?

you can find a map on

What are saber tooths tigers diet?

a carnivore, a meat-eater. Other small Mammals etc

What caused a saber-toothed tiger to go extinted?

it died out coz the giant brd thing was getting more food and the saber tooths didnt have any

What animals lived in the quarternary time period?

saber-tooths,homo-sapiens,wooly mammoths,etc.

Is a White Tiger a saber-toothed?

No. It is beleived though, that they are related to the saber-tooth. But that is a great myth. Saber-tooths, arent a species of tiger, so they do not relate to one another in any way what-so-ever

What were panthers ancestors like?

Well Panthers are felines, and one of the first felines was the Saber Tooth Tigers. Saber Tooths were very fierce predetors. It resembled a Afican Tiger!

Are some sabor tooths still alive?

No. Saber Tooth Cats are considered prehistoric and died out thousands of years ago.

What is saber-toothed tiger look like?

if you seen Ice Age the cat , Diego , is a saber tooth or got to google or bing images and look up saber tooth tiger. he looks like a tiger with long tooths

What things ate saber-toothed tigers?

Scientists believe that saber tooth tigers ate mammoths, antelope, deer, and buffalo. To kill animals bigger than themselves, packs of saber tooths would hunt together. hope this helped xoxo