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Political upheaval in Madagascar is mostly to blame for the Crowned Lemur being classified as a vulnerable species.

Since the breakdown and fall of the Madagascan government in March 2001, Madagascar has been suspended from the African Union which has led to the withdrawal of international support which conserves and protects the forests and animals on the island country.

This has led to a huge boom in environmental crimes such as illegal logging, illegal charcoal production, unlicensed sapphire mining, illegal capture of wild animals for pet trades and illegal poaching.

In 2009 political power in formerly- democratic Madagascar was overtaken by the Madagascan military, which is recognised as a military coup, making environmental matters worse and making conservation efforts even more difficult.

The Crowned Lemur is currently being illegally poached and sold as a delicacy in restaurants around Madagascar. The illegal logging activities in Madagascar also mean that the Crowned Lemur's habitat is getting smaller and smaller, which will cause complications in breeding seasons and difficulty escaping from predators, including humans.

Although some arrests have been made in regards to illegal poaching of protected species, the penalties for these criminals in Madagascar are lenient.

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Where does the crowned lemur come from?

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Well a male has a redish brown crown

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Nearly all species of lemur are endangered (according to the IUCN) due to habitat loss and hunting. Even the species that are listed as "Least Concern" are threatened with habitat loss, which is causing their populations to decline.

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If you want to know i suggest you google Animal Divesity Web and click on the first link

How is extinction causing problem of reproducing?

What? extinction is the total annihilation of a species. In terms of humans, if there were no males or females left to reproduce with, that would ultimately cause our extinction.

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Extinction occurs when there are none of a species left alive. The species is therefore unable to ever reappear.

What is causing the extinction of many species?

mostly human detruction of animal habitats

What is a Lemur in German?

Lemur translates as Lemur or Maki

What are the species of lemur like primates?

Ring Tails Red Ruffed Indri Gray mouse Golden Crowned Sifaka Coquerals Sifaka Collared Brown Lemur Black Lemur Aye-Aye Lemur Verreauzus Sifaka ^ The main (and most common) species Ring tails are the most common and are those featured in the Madagascar movies Lemur are very close to monkeys, marmosets mainly , Lemurs are only found (in the wild) in Madagascar, however many zoos now hold them in captivity, sadly effecting their diet, life span and interrupting their natural behaviours by making money through organizing 'play dates' with the public

Where do Lemurs live in the wild?

Lemur monkeys live in Madagascar. There are several different types of lemurs including, the ring tailed lemur, the furry eared dwarf lemur, and the amber mountain fork crowned lemur.