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Currently, there is no list of extinct plants in the Philippines. However, there is a long list of critically endangered plants, and of endangered plants.

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10y ago

As of May 2014, several animals are becoming extinct in the Philippines. They include: the Philippine eagle, forest turtle, hawksbill sea turtle and Philippine crocodile.

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10y ago

The panay giant fruit bat is an extinct animal that is native to the Philippines. In addition, there is a long list of animals that are critically endangered.

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15y ago

i know only the Negros Fruit Dove

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Q: What are the examples of extinct animals in the Philippines?
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What are ten examples of extinct animals in the Philippines?

Examples of extinct animals of the Philippines are:Cebu warty pigNegros naked-backed fruit bat (Has been rediscovered)There are many more that are near extinction.

What are extinct animals please define with examples?

extinct animals are animals that there are none left of such a the dinosour and the mammoth these animals are gone they are not alove all of them are gone.

What are the different kinds of animals and plants in the Philippines?

There are a variety of different kinds of animals and plants in the Philippines. Some examples are the Labanos and the Snaggletooth Shark.

What are examples of extinct animals?

dodos pandas and dinosaurs,sabre tooth.mammoth,american wolf.

What is one of the extinct animals?

There are many extinct animals but here are some examples: woolly mammoth, Tasmanian Tiger, dodo, cave bear, saber tooth tiger, giant kangaroos

What is extinct called?

The definition of Extinct is no living individuals of a species or a non-viable reproductive population of a species of animals. If the species has no ability to reproduce it is extinct even though there are living examples.

Are there any extinct animals in the Sahara Desert?

Extinct means the animals no longer exist so there can be no extinct animals in the Sahara. If there were, they would not be extinct.

Which animals are extincted?

Some examples of extinct animals include the dodo, thylacine (Tasmanian tiger), and passenger pigeon. These species have disappeared entirely from the Earth due to factors such as habitat destruction, overhunting, and climate change.

What is meant by some extinct animals?

Extinct means the animals no longer exist. There are many extinct animals, from dinosaurs to dodos.

Which animals are exitincted?

Millions of animals have been extinct even scientist don't know the number of animals have been extinct, or the names of animals have been extinct.

What animals went extinct over the past 500 years?

Many animals have gone extinct since 1514. Examples include: Eskimo Curlew, Ivory-billed Woodpecker, Martinique Curly-tailed Lizard, Golden Toad and Ainsworth's Salamander.

Are there extinct animals in the desert?

Nope, because extinct animals do not exist anymore.