African wild dogs are very alike normal dogs just that they are from a different country, they are referred to as a pack.
African wild dogs are very alike normal dogs just that they are from a different country, they are referred to as a pack.
Donate to any conservation group that helps African Wild Dogs.
A group of dogs is called a kennel, pack (wild dogs), or litter (pups from one mother)A pack of dogs.
what is african wild dogs climate is
A litter
lions, hyenas, African wild dogs, African hunting dogs, African wild dogs, leopards and cheetahs
Wild dogs are canids, along with wolves, foxes, coyotes, etc.
wolves, African wild dogs, banded mongooses, and elephants
you cannot train African wild dogs because they are wild and free animals and they should stay that way.
a pack can also be related to a group of non-wild dogs
is the African wild dogs a reptile if not what is it:-O