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There are about 14 species of Howler Monkey listed on the International Union of Conservation for Nature, or the IUCN Red List, and about 17 species with an extra 2 to 3 subspecies to make the total around 20 Howler Monkey species. Some of these species are listed with an endangered status and others are listed as data deficient, while the few populations are relatively stable. The specific species of Howler Monkey would help determine the population. For more details, please see the sites listed below.

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Q: What is a Howler Monkeys population?
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What is the collective noun for howler monkeys?

The collective nouns for howler monkeys are: a troop of howler monkeys a cartload of howler monkeys

What is the brown howler monkeys population?

two. just your mom and dad.

What are a howler monkeys predator's?

the howler monkeys predator is a harpy eagle.

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Howler Monkeys

Do howler monkeys live in a zoo?

Yes howler monkeys do live in a zoo.

If you dont mind your monkeys opinionated you can head to the Sian Kaan Biosphere Reserve which is home to a population of what?

b: howler monkeys

What are black howler monkeys?

they monkeys

What climate do howler monkeys live in?

Howler monkeys live in a rainy, and wet climate

Do howler monkeys live now?

Howler monkeys' are not endangered YET!! But they are still alive.

Is the howler monkey in endangered?

no, howler monkeys are safe.

Are black howler monkeys in danger?

Yes the White howler monkeys keep Hanging them from trees.

What eats red howler monkeys?

Jaguars, pythons, even native peoples will eat howler monkeys.