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The Country of Ecuador controls the Galápagos islands, which form the Galápagos Province of Ecuador. The islands are now part of the country's national park system. Many countries and organizations are involved in studies, funding, and conservation in and for the Galápagos. Following, is a list of significant steps taken by Ecuador and other authorities, in efforts to protect the flora and fauna of this unique area of the world.

1. 1934, Ecuador passed the first legislation protecting fauna.

2. 1936, Ecuador set aside certain islands as reserves, but enforcement was lacking.

3. 1957, UNESCO observed conditions and choose a site for a research station.

4. 1959, Galápagos National Park was created. And the Charles Darwin Research Station on Santa Cruz Island was established.

5. 1965, the research station began raising, and repatriating giant tortoises to Duncan Island.

6. 1968, the park began managing, protecting, and raising tortoises in captivity on Santa Cruz Island. These types of raising centers have been established on the islands of San-Cristobal and Isabela. A corral for raising 32 tortoises of unknown origin has been built on Floreana Island.

7. 1978, UNESCO listed the islands as a World Heritage Site.

8. 1985, UNESCO listed the islands as a Biosphere Reserve.

9. 1986, about forty thousand square miles of ocean around the Galápagos islands was declared a marine reserve.

10. 1990, the archipelago was declared a whale sanctuary.

11. In 2001, the Biosphere reserve was extended to include the marine reserve.

12. Conservation, in Galápagos, as in other parts of the world, is a work in progress. Laws and regulations, as well as education efforts, are continually being updated and added as new threats are discovered, and insights to old threats are gained.

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