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don't burn down to much of their land because it will cause habitat lose and will decrease their food/prey.

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Q: What can be done to get these big cats off the endangered list?
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What causes big cats to be endangered?

Big cats such as lions, tigers, and cheetahs are endangered due to factors like habitat loss, poaching for their fur and body parts, human-wildlife conflict, and climate change. These threats disrupt their natural behaviors, reduce prey populations, and limit their ability to roam and reproduce, all of which contribute to their declining numbers in the wild. Conservation efforts are crucial in order to protect these majestic predators and ensure their survival.

What could be the endangered species?

Some examples of endangered species include the Vaquita porpoise, Amur leopard, Sumatran orangutan, and mountain gorilla. These species are threatened by factors such as habitat loss, poaching, climate change, and human encroachment on their natural habitats. Conservation efforts are essential to protect these animals from extinction.

What is a Siberian tiger endangered by?

Same as all big cats, loss off habitat, and hunted for the illegal fur trade.

What can be done to prevent big cats from being extinct?

Stop killing them. o.O

Is anyone a zoologist and knows about endangered animals?

I once worked with the big cats, and know quite a bit about animals, just message me.

List five cats of the world?

Among the big cats, there are lions, tigers, jaguars, cheetahs, and pumas.Compared to that list, domestic cats are a single type, but within that type there are subtypes such as Siamese, Birman, ragdoll, Persian, and exotic shorthair, among hundreds of others.

Are there big cats in Jamaica?

There are pet cats and stray cats but no big cats in Jamaica.

List of cats in video games?

There are alot of cats in the video game series, but I can name a few:Blaze the cat (Sonic the Hedgehog Franshice)Big the cat (Sonic the Hedgehog Franshice)

What is the most endangered cat breed?

I would have to say the Iberian Lynx as it has faced extinction repeatedly. Additional Information: The Iberian Lynx is listed by the International Union of Conservation for Nature, or the IUCN Red List with a status of "critically endangered", and the population trend posted as "decreasing". They are also protected by the Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species, or CITES. Some consider the Iberian Lynx as part of the "big cat" group even though they are not really large. There are many small cats in circumstances as dire as the Iberian Lynx, but there is not a specific cat that has been chosen formally as the most endangered by the IUCN Red List or the US FWS Endangered Species List. For more details, please see the sites listed below.

What are the causes of the extinction of panther?

Leopards are far from extinct! They are one of the most common and adaptable of the big cats, and live throughout most of Asia and Africa. The Amur leopard is endangered, and a couple other races may be threatened, but as a species leopards are not endangered.

What is the most endangered big cat?

White Lions. They are very endangered species of Big Cats. There are only a few in the world, and they are in captivity. Because, if they live in the wild, their pack (that they are born into) will not except them.The saharan cheetah. They live in the Saharan Desert and most of them are gone. There are only a few left in the wild.

Do big cats hiss like domestic cats?

I'm sure they can but that's if the big cats don't kill the little ones