

Best Answer

1. Pop!

2. Splash

3. Bang!

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Q: What are three examples for onomatopoeia?
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Three examples of onomatopoeia?


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What is onomatopoeia examples?

Examples of onomatopoeia are "buzz," "bang," "moo," and "sizzle." Onomatopoeia is a figure of speech in which words mimic the sound they represent.

What are examples of onomatopoeia for dance?

Clacking of dance shoes.

What are some examples of onomatopoeia in Harry Potter?


What are 10 examples of onomatopoeia?

Sure! Here are 10 examples of onomatopoeia: Buzz Boom Hiss Sizzle Clang Meow Whack Splash Creak Giggle

Is shout and onomatopoeia word?

Nope it is not Onomatopoeia examples are: boom bam buzz bing boing tick tock

What are the examples of onomatopoeia?

An onomatopoeia is a figure of speech where somewhere in the sentence, there is a any word that imitates the word it is describing. Examples of sound words are:BoomPowCluckDingBamCreakAchooBelchCuckoomoowoofquackbamzapbingtingmeowoinkslapchirpzoinkmumblerumbleonomatopoeia in a sentence:The cat meowed to his owner for something to eat. Meowed is the onomatopoeia.

Can you give me the sentence using the word onomatopoeia?

"The comic book used onomatopoeia to create realistic sound effects, such as 'bam,' 'zap,' and 'pow'."

What is a sentence for onomatopoeia?

The word "buzz" is an example of onomatopoeia, as it imitates the sound a bee makes.

How do you make a sentence with the word 'onomatopoeia'?

"I love words like 'boom' and 'buzz' that are examples of onomatopoeia."