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There are no marsupial bats.

Marsupials keep there newborn in a pouch, bats do not.

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What is the only native North American marsupial?

The only native North American marsupial is the Virginia opossum. It is known for its unique behavior of "playing possum" when threatened, where it feigns death to deter predators. Virginia opossums are found throughout the United States and parts of Canada.

Are bats born marsupial?

No, bats are not marsupials, they are placentals, just like humans, whales, cats and cows.

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A baby thylacine was called a joey. All marsupial young are called joeys.

What is an animal with a pouche called?

An animal with a pouche is called a marsupial.

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A mammal which is not a marsupial or a monotreme is called a placental mammal. There is no opposite to a marsupial. An animal is either a marsupial or it is not. Marsupial is the term given to any mammal of the order Marsupialia whose young are born in an immature state and continue development in the "marsupium" (or pouch).

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A baby bilby is called a joey. The bilby is a marsupial, and all marsupial young are known as joeys.

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Being a marsupial, a baby quoll is called a joey.

What are marsupial dragons?

There is no creature called a "marsupial dragon". Anyone who tries to tell you otherwise is "having a go" at you (an Australian colloquialism for teasing).

Is the north American opossums endangered?

Nope. As a species, they are doing pretty well.

What is a marsupial called that has a pointed nose an grey-brown fur?

This would apply to many marsupial species. An opossum is one. Potoroo: A rat Kangaroo.

What venomous mammal is a egg laying marsupial?

You're thinking of the platypus, which lays eggs and can eject venom. But the platypus isn't a marsupial. No marsupial lays eggs or is venomous. The platypus is part of a small group called the Monotremes.

What are baby dunnarts called?

A baby dunnart, like many marsupial young, is called a "joey".