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A "peril" in insurance speak is "anything that causes a loss" a named peril policy is what types of accidents or "perils" you are covered for. In a basic unendorsed Homeowners policy the person is covered for: Riot or Civil Disorder, Aircraft, Lightning, Fire, Hail, Windstorm, Explosion, Smoke, Theft(Limits on certain items apply), Vehicles, Vandalism, and Volcanic eruption.

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11y ago

Sometimes I have seen legal contracts purporting to be insurance policies when, in reality, they did not function quite that way. So let us take a moment and talk a bit about what insurance is and how it works.

Insurance policies are a risk management tool that work to transfer the risk of loss away from the policy-holder and onto the insurance company. The insurance company charges you a fee to assume your risk – these fees are called “premiums”.

An insurance policy is a legal contract that covers the financial loss associated with a peril. Of course that begs the question: what is a peril. A peril is an event that causes specific, measurable financial loss. In addition to perils, insurance folks like to talk about hazards. A hazard is an event or condition that makes the experience of a peril much more likely.

Alright, this is best explained through the use of examples. Let’s say you apply for life insurance. Certain questions are asked about your health on the application. Your risk factors will be evaluated during the underwriting process as the company decides just what they’ll charge you for assuming the risk of your untimely demise. Certain risk factors can be considered hazards. Let’s say you are a smoker, have high blood pressure, or are overweight. All three of these conditions make it much more likely that you’ll develop further health complications resulting in death. Another question you may be asked on the application is whether you engage in dangerous hobbies such as rock climbing, skydiving, or Scuba diving.

So in these instances, the hazards: smoking, having high blood pressure, obesity, SCUBA diving, skydiving, rock climbing; all increase the likelihood that you’ll suffer a loss due to peril. The potential perils: lung cancer, stroke, heart attack, drowning, or a fall from great heights all require the insurer to cover the resulting loss.

I hope I have given you a taste of what an insurance policy is, as well as some understanding of hazards and perils. In my next post I plan to get a little more specific about some non-insurance insurance.

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16y ago

Third party damage, medical payments, fire, wind and hail damage. Sewer back up..if you have purchased it.

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11y ago

fire, explosion, windstorm, hurricane, hail, smoke, riots, vandalism and sprinkler leakage

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Q: What are the perils the insurance policy protects against called?
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What is the purpose of home insurance?

Homeowners Property Insurance is "Hazard Insurance" that protects the property owner from loss or damage due to the stated covered hazardous perils.

What are the impacts of home insurance?

home insurance is taken for a protection against a risk and perils caused

What is a perils?

Perils are types of losses. All losses(perils) covered by an insurance company will be in your insurance booklet that they mail to you.

What is peril insured against?

That would depend on your insurance policy. Te covered perils are listed in your policy package under the heading "Covered Perils". You could review your coverage with you Insurance Agent for clarification.

What is Covered peril?

Perils are types of losses. All losses(perils) covered by an insurance company will be in your insurance booklet that they mail to you.

What is a covered peril?

Perils are types of losses. All losses(perils) covered by an insurance company will be in your insurance booklet that they mail to you.

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Depends on the policy. You need to look under Perils Insured Against in your policy.

Does homeowners insurance cover termite damage?

Usually not. Check your policy for Perils Insured Against, and Exceptions. Call your insurance company. If they say it is not covered, ask where it says that in the policy.

Are air conditioners covered by homeowners insurance?

Yes, Your air conditioner for your home is covered for the same perils as the rest of your home structure for covered perils such as Fire, Wind, Hail etc. It is not however covered for normal wear and tear or expected maintenance. See your home insurance policy or talk with your insurance agent about the covered perils you selected for your homeowners insurance policy.

What is the several risk insurance?

Not sure if this is what you meant to ask but the "open perils" insurance policy covers every peril or type of damage except for what is listed in the "exclusions" section of the policy. Most perils are "named peril" policies which only cover the perils that are listed in the policy.

Are insurance policies that cover perils such as fire storm theft and vandalism?

Most basic home insurance policies cover the perils of fire, storm, theft, and vandalism. You can get better policies also that cover many more perils, such a water, collapse, vehicle, etc.

If you are boarding camels what type of insurance coverage should the owners have?

Contact a good agent, and they will be glad to help you with this, I can think of several 'perils' that you would want to be covered against.