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Chimpanzees have long, flexible arms that enable them to climb trees and swing across the jungle with ease. They're also strong - as much as six times stronger than the average adult human.

Chimps also have developed large ears, enabling them to not only hear many sounds, but even determine their nature and source from a great distance. Their thick, coarse hair works well as both insect and rain repellant. And, they've also learned to utilize found objects as tools, such as twigs for digging up ants and rocks for cracking open nuts.

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9y ago

Chimpanzees possess several adaptations that aid them to live and survive in their natural habitat. They have opposable thumbs and razor sharp teeth which they use to scare others. Chimpanzees also have strong arms and limbs to climb trees and swing on vines that make it easier for them to move from one place to another.

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14y ago

Their hands and feet are like hands so that they can grip the branches they live in.

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8y ago

the adaptation is its hands and feet

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Q: What are the environmental adaptations of chimpanzees?
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Chimpanzees usually are in favor of Fission-Fusion Polygyny. Additional fact would be that they are also carnivores, not vegetarians like most like to believe.

Can adaptations only be physical?

No, adaptations can also be behavioral, physiological, or anatomical in nature. Organisms can adjust their behavior or internal processes in response to environmental changes to increase their chances of survival and reproduction.

How do you use the word enviromental adaptation in a sentence?

Every species has an environmental adaptation or two.Bushy eyelashes is one of the environmental adaptations of camels to protect their eyes from sandstorms.

Are chimpanzees invertebrates or vertebrates?

Chimpanzees are mammals. Because of that, they have a backbone. Therefore, Chimpanzees are vertebrates.

Does convergent evolution lead to the DNA similarities of chimpanzees and humans?

No, convergent evolution happens when two distinctly different species develop similar adaptations because of similar environmental pressures. For example, both bugs and bats have wings, but one is an insect and the other is a mammal. Chimps and humans have similar DNA because they share a common ancestor--i.e., we are genetic cousins.

What is physiology adaptations?

Physiological adaptations refer to the changes that occur in an organism's body systems in response to environmental pressures. These adaptations help the organism to survive and thrive in its specific habitat. Examples include changes in temperature regulation, metabolism, and respiratory capacity.

What is environmental evolution?

Environmental evolution refers to the changes in ecosystems and species over time in response to environmental pressures. This process includes adaptations and genetic changes that allow organisms to survive and reproduce in changing environments. Environmental evolution is a key component of the broader concept of evolution.

What do chimpanzees have in their environment?

what is an an environment of an chimpanzees