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Like nearly all primates, the ring-tailed lemur has hands and feet adapted for climbing and grasping. Adaptations specific to the ring-tailed lemur include:

  1. a ringed tail, which helps members of the troop maintain visual contact with one another while moving around on the ground.

  2. scent glands on the wrists of males, along with a thorn-like spur used to gouge branches to rub its scent in deeper. The scent glands on the wrist and armpit are also used to anoint the tail with scent for stink fights, which are performed by males during the breeding season
  3. females have a tendency to produce single offspring during seasons with more limited resources, but will produce twins in years of abundance -- this helps the species recover quickly from droughts and other disasters that cause population crashes.
  4. the thick grey/brown fur on the ring-tailed lemur's back traps in heat, while the thin white fur on its face, abdomen, inner arms, and inner legs allow sunlight through to warm up its charcoal-black skin underneath. Since lemurs have a low metabolism, sun-bathing is a common activity, and ring-tailed lemurs sit facing the sun, exposing this side to help them warm up in the mornings and evenings.
  5. dark triangular markings around the eyes help reduce glare from the sun.
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13y ago
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12y ago

The ring-tailed lemur is about the size of a house cat. Its head is smaller than that of a monkey, and its snout is long and tipped with a wet nose. The fur running from its scalp down its back is grey and/or brown and wooly, while the fur on the front of its body, including the insides of its arms and legs, is white and thin. The face is mostly white, with black diamond patterns around its eyes. The ears are tipped in white fur, and the skin is black. Its tail is ringed in alternating black and white stripes, always ending in a black stripe.

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13y ago

60cm tail length body weight 2.2kg light brown eyes light black and gray ventral coat black and gray dorsal coat

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15y ago

Special coloration and ability to move very swiftly

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15y ago

Uh, I'd say about five rings. give or take. on the tail

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13y ago

the taxa(taxonomy) for a ring-tailed lemur is: Kingdom: animalia (animal), Phylum: chordata, Class: mammalia, Order: primates, Family: lemuridae, Genus: lemur, Species: lemur catta

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The Ring Tailed Lemur eats different exotic Fruits, and insects.

Is a ring tail lemur a mammal?

The ring tailed lemur is a mammal.

How long can a mother Ring tailed lemur be pregnant?

The gestation period of the ring-tailed lemur is approximately 135 days.

What is the Scientific name for ring tailed lemur?

Lemur catta

Were does the ring- tail lemur live?

The Ring-tailed Lemur lives in the forests of Madagascar.

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The gestation period for the ring-tailed lemur is roughly 138 to 141 days.

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Ring Tailed Lemurs live in Madagascar in Madagascar

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== ==

Which country is the ring tailed lemur from?

Madagascar what do you think from

Are humans friend to the ring tailed lemur?

yes !