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they are climbing trees and caching and killing them

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14y ago

people are making programs to watch them so they dont get hunted or killed

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Q: What are people doing to help the Red Panda?
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What will help stop the endangered animal the red panda?

what can we do to stop the endangered the red panda

What are the what would be the good slogans to save red panda for class 9?

how about red alert for the red panda? if its endangered then people might need to be extremely aware of what they are doing in order to make shure it doesnt go extinct.

What are they doing to protect the red panda?

Donate money to companies.

Does the red panda help humans?


Do they have panda's that resemble raccoons?

Some people think the red panda resembles a raccoon. See image above of a red panda.

How do you help a red panda?

The main enemy of the Red Panda is humans. We should stop destroying its habitat and poaching it for its fur.

What does help a red panda survive?

there color i guess

What does the red panda do to help their habitats?

eat sugar can

Is the red panda the smallest panda?

Yes. The red panda is the smallest panda.

What is being done to help a red panda?

People are making parks to protect the Red Panda's habitat. The Red Pandas are being held in captivity so they don't die of habitat loss. You can also "adopt" a Red Panda and pay for the food, water, and habitat protection.

Why is the red panda called a panda even though its not a panda?

Red Pandas are called Red Panda due to the color of their fur. Scientist have been going all around thinking of what animal class this animal should be in. Some say Racoons and others say Pandas. But now their in the Panda class.Because of the markings. It is a reddish brown colour, thus the name "red panda."

Are pandas from Japan?

There are two kinds of panda, giant panda, the one people usually talk about, and red panda. They are both from China, but you can also find red panda in countries like Burma.