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Poachers, of any animal species, are generally given the maximum penalty. Which is about 10 or more years in prison plus some sort of fine.

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Q: What are Punishments for killing snow leopards in Asia?
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Can you stop people from killing snow leopards?

you can stop killing a snow leopard by sending money. snow leopards often do die because of people taking their fur

Where do snow leopards build their caves?

Snow Leopards build their caves in the mountains of Central or South Asia.

Does leopards live in South Korea?

Snow leopards live in the mountains of central asia

Do snow leopards live in the grasslands of Asia?

they live in the mountains of the Hymalayas in the snow

What continents are snow leopards found in?

While this day and age the Pathera Uncia or snow leopard if you will can be found in many counties, thanks to the zoological society, their natural habitat would be the mountain ranges of Central Asia.

Are there punishments for killing snow leopards?

Poachers, of any animal species, are generally given the maximum penalty.

Is there snow where clouded leopards live?

no there is no snow where they live they live in Asia so look up weather climates in Asia.

Are snow leopards in dangered?

people are killing the for no reason and they use them as coats

Were snow leopard lives?

snow leopards live in central asia and northwestern china and tibet

Are snow leopards found in Africa?

Snow leopards do not live in Africa. They live in Central Asia. Most especially China. In mountains and the Himalaya's to be exact.

Do snow leopards live in vegetation?

No. They live in the mountains of Central Asia.

What are the products made out of snow leopards?

People in Asia and China make medicines