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the food chain

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Q: The DDT problem is a good example of how pesticides can contaminate human health through what?
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How do pesticides contaminate groundwater?

Pesticides can contaminate groundwater when they are applied to fields and leach through the soil into the groundwater. Rainfall or irrigation can help move the pesticides deeper into the ground where they can reach the groundwater. Once in the groundwater, pesticides can persist for a long time and potentially impact drinking water sources.

What substance present in the soil will contaminate the water?

Pesticides, fertilizers, heavy metals, and industrial chemicals are substances commonly found in soil that can contaminate water sources through runoff or leaching. These contaminants can pose risks to human health and the environment if they reach drinking water sources or aquatic ecosystems.

What are high levels of pesticides found in birds of prey an example of?

chemical cycling through an ecosystem

What environmental and social effects occur at each stage of cotton?

Cotton is considered as the dirties crop as it requires many hazardous insecticides and pesticides that harm both human beings and animals while being cultivated. They also contaminate the groundwater through over-use of these chemicals. Cottonseed and field trash is used as animal feed. The pesticides affect the cows and their products.

How you pollute the soil?

Soil pollution can occur through the disposal of harmful chemicals, pesticides, and industrial waste directly onto the soil surface. Activities such as improper disposal of plastic, improper waste management, and overuse of fertilizers and pesticides can also contribute to soil pollution. Additionally, oil spills, mining activities, and improper disposal of electronic waste can also contaminate the soil.

What was rachel Carsons problem she solved?

Rachel Carson's problem was the environmental damage caused by indiscriminate pesticide use, particularly DDT. She raised awareness about the harmful effects of pesticides on ecosystems and human health through her book "Silent Spring," which led to the eventual ban of DDT and sparked the modern environmental movement.

What decaying materials can contaminate through the harmful insects that transmit diseases?

One example is of a house fly that settles on any uncovered food in a kitchen, after walking on dog faeces out in the garden.

How could the peacocks food get contaminated?

through pesticides

Which of these is a disadvantage of using natural gas?

Extraction through fracking can contaminate groundwater

How does food harm your environment?

through organisms which contaminate food like house fly

When a mixture is filtered particles that are too big to go through the paper filter are called what?


What two substances can be pollutants of water?

Two common pollutants of water are pesticides and heavy metals. Pesticides can contaminate water sources through runoff from agricultural lands, while heavy metals like lead and mercury can enter water bodies through industrial discharges or leaching from old infrastructure.