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whaling should be banned because they are Beautiful creatures that are becoming extinct because of us humans be on the other hand they are used for a lot of things. Very few whales of every kind are left. We should protect them.

Not hurt them.

teeth- piano keys,buttons,jewelry

sinews- used for tennis raquets


oil-sperm whale oil taken from bone and skin used for high grade alcohol,shoe cream, lipstick,ointment,crayons, candles, fertilizer, soap, and animal feed

skin- belts, shoes, bags

baleen- umbrellas, horse whips, shoehorn

We can see whales do have a practical use when it comes to using their remnants to create objects to aid us.

Anti-whaling campaigners say that whales are amongst the most intelligent of mammals and it is therefore morally wrong to kill them for food. Most of the research on mammal intelligence has been carried out on Bottle nose dolphins and while they scored highly in some research, it is nearly impossible to duplicate these tests for whales, probably due to the fact their numbers are so small.

With that said, the campaigners must have little evidence as to a whale's intelligence.

I will try to be unbiased in my answer, whaling should be banned because it is causing whale to become endangered and could lead to their extinction, this would be bad because whales fill a niche in the ocean that if left open by their extinction, could have drastic and harmful effects on the ocean's ecosystem

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12y ago
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12y ago

Whaling should be banned for the following reasons, 1) They are a vitial part of the cosystem and hunting them has made their numbers dwindle and 2) killing living things, tearing apart their families, is wrong for the same reasons its wrong to do so with humans.How would you feel if you were the one that your organs would be ripped apart by explosive harpoons,then be shot, and electrocuted.

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12y ago

In my opinion I think it should be. Whales are endangered and a wonderful mammal that when gone will be a loss to the world......NOT.

Not all Whales are endangered.

Some species of whales are indeed endangered and must continue to be protected on a global scale. Examples would be the Blue Whale, Grey Whale, Right Whale. Most whale species were decimated by the Whaling activitires of western countries like Britain. Norway, United States from the 1800s into the 20th century. The US still had a whaling fleet as late as the 1920s. The last Australian whaling station closed in the late 1970s.

However with a world-wide moratorium placed on Commercial Whaling by the IWC since 1982, and greatly reduced whaking that has continued since, some specieas are making a comeback. Of note is the Minke Whale, which is the main target of the Japanese Research Whaling fleet, which is believed to have returned to 700,000


As to whether "Whales are wonderful animals", well, so are cows, pigs, sheep, kangaroos, goats, dogs and any other mammals that are consumed by humans in place or another. Even chickens are wonderful if you raise them yourself rather than buying them in a package at the supermarket.

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12y ago


Whaling is the cruel process of harpooning a whale and dragging it out of the water and then killing it, much to the distress of the animal.

Whale is eaten in some countries, and countries that often practise whaling claim they are using the animal to make medicine or to carry out experiments, but often they are not.

So in answer to your question, no!

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13y ago

Whaling has been banned by the International Whaling Commission since 1986.

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11y ago

There is currently a moratorium everywhere signed on with the IWC agreement.

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15y ago

NO! Whaling should not be banned unless the people who started whaling agreed with it. == ==

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Is whaling banned in Antarctica?

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What agency banned Whaling internationally?

The International Whaling Commission is the agency responsible for introducing the ban on commercial whaling. In 1982 the commission agreed the 'The 1986 Moritoriam' which effectively banned commercial whaling from 1986, although Scientific and Aboriginal subsistence whaling is still allowed under strict quotas.

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Whaling should'nt be allowed again, as it could cause a slowly growing population of great species, into an endangered species. Whaling still exists illegally in some countries, and whale parts are in several cosmetic's including lip-stick! Whaling is a vicious, dangerous so called "sport" or "hobby", but would you call being chased by murderer's a hobby? I dont think so.

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Whaling is not a sport and should not be taken as one. It is very cruel and inhumane.

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they can't. caring for the oceans entails its creatures, and whales are part of them. whaling is awful and people should stop it.

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Their is no whaling season because people can whale whenever they want. Their is a religion where they have to whale to survive so they can whale whenever.

Why should people stop whaling?

so whales do not become extinct