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there are MANY differences between komodo dragons and real dragons. komodo dragon are ten feet in length. a dragon is about 40 feet. a komodo is 3 feet tall. dragons are 20.a komodo has no wings, spines,horns or spade. a dragons has all of that. theres much more but that some of the basics.

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What does komodo dragon name means?

Komodo dragons are named komodo dragons because even though they don't have wings, their dragon-ish body makes them take on the appearance of a dragon. Komodo comes from the island they originate from.

How humans are protecting the komodo dragon?

Scientists are taking specific genes out of Komodo Dragons and combining them to man make komodo dragons.

Is the komodo dragon the smartest reptile?

They are. Komodo dragons have ambush attacked and killed adult humans before.

Do komodo dragons breed?

Komodo dragons can swim. It is how they have migrated from the original island of Komodo to some of the outlying islands.

How heavy can a komodo dragon get?

Komodo dragons can weigh up to about 330 pounds.

Is a komodo dragon warmblooded or coldblooded?

Komodo dragons are cold blooded animals.

When is a komodo dragon active?

Komodo dragons are active during the day when they hunt.

Is a komodo dragon a snake?

No,It no it only eats mammals and anfibians!!!!

What hunts komodo dragons?

The Komodo dragon is an apex predator, and has no other predators. Adults will prey on the juveniles, and have a tendency to be cannibalistic.

Is a komando dragon a mammal?

Komodo dragons are not mammals.

Are komodo dragons really veminous?

Komodo dragons are not venomous, but poisionous. This is because the Komodo dragon scavenges food and the bacteria from those animals come into their saliva.

Can komodo dragons walk on walls?

Komodo Dragons can walk on walls, yes. However, despite it's name, a Komodo Dragon is not a dragon at all. It is a lizard, hence it's other name: The Monitor Lizard.