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No. The male lion is not a successful hunter. Female lions are much more successful hunters. The males are wandering, and share meals with any pride that happens to be within their ever-changing territory.

Male lions do hunt, and quite successfully. After being driven from their pride at sexual maturity, young males often form "bachelor" prides. These nomads roam until fully mature, when they can attempt to take over a pride. In the mean time, they must hunt and scavenge what they can to survive. Although not as skilled as the lioness, males can and do hunt. A male driven from his pride by three interlopers was seen to kill topi, wildebeest, and buffalo calves for a period of two years before he left the research area.

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14y ago

Yes, the male lion is the leader of the pride.

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13y ago

Inside the lion family usually the females are the ones who hunt. The male lion is dangerous but the females hunt for food

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How does a male lion become the alpha male?

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Some facts about the male lion are:It is much larger and heavier than female lionsIt gets kicked out of the pride when they are around 3 years old by the pride leader male lionOnce they are old enough to fight, they defeat any pride leader male lion and take over the prideWhen they get old, they get ousted by another younger more powerful male lion

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A Male lion is simply called a lion.A Female lion is called a lioness.Lions. The females are called lioness'

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A Male Lion does not have to attract a female lioness. When a male lion takes over a pride by ousting the lead male lion of the pride, it automatically wins over the harem of lionesses that are part of the pride. He now heads the pride and has the right to mate and father cubs with the females of the pride. He has that right until another male lion ousts him from his place as the pride leader.

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Lion easily. male lion weigh 500 lbs and a male leopard only weighs 200 lbs.

What is a life cycle for a lion?

The Lions life cycle could be: a. A Lioness raises a litter of pups b. Female pups stay with the family while the male adolescents are kicked out of the pride by the pride leader Male. c. Adolescent Males wander the forests for nearly 2 years until they are big and strong and can challenge a pride leader Male d. The Adolescent Male will dethrone a pride leader and take over his pride e. The new leader will kill all cubs fathered by the previous leader and pass on his genetic heritage f. After a few years, he will be dethroned by another younger more powerful male lion and will eventually die a slow painful death.

Who has a lion's mane?

A male lion.

What is the male of lion?

The male lion does not have a special name. Male lions have a large territory they have to defend and several females and lion cubs they take care of.

What is a lion's life cycle?

The Lions life cycle could be: a. A Lioness raises a litter of pups b. Female pups stay with the family while the male adolescents are kicked out of the pride by the pride leader Male. c. Adolescent Males wander the forests for nearly 2 years until they are big and strong and can challenge a pride leader Male d. The Adolescent Male will dethrone a pride leader and take over his pride e. The new leader will kill all cubs fathered by the previous leader and pass on his genetic heritage f. After a few years, he will be dethroned by another younger more powerful male lion and will eventually die a slow painful death.

What is the African lion's life cycle?

The Lions life cycle could be: a. A Lioness raises a litter of pups b. Female pups stay with the family while the male adolescents are kicked out of the pride by the pride leader Male. c. Adolescent Males wander the forests for nearly 2 years until they are big and strong and can challenge a pride leader Male d. The Adolescent Male will dethrone a pride leader and take over his pride e. The new leader will kill all cubs fathered by the previous leader and pass on his genetic heritage f. After a few years, he will be dethroned by another younger more powerful male lion and will eventually die a slow painful death.