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Yes it is endangered/threatened/rare.

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Q: Is the Coromandel striped gecko endangered?
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Is the Coromandel striped gecko threatened?


Is the Coromandel striped gecko rare?


What does the New Zealand Coromandel striped gecko eat?

New Zealand native geckos such as green geckos, forest geckos and yellow geckos eat insects eg: Flies, Moths, Spiders etc. But they will supplement it with fruit (ie: from mahoe) and nectar (ie: from flax flowers) when it is available. Hope this Helped :)

Why is the gold striped gecko endangered?

The gecko is endangered because it doesnt mate anough and people eat them, no! no they dont you fool, it is endangered because there is limited places where the geckos inhabit. Also there would be nothing for humans to eat the geckos are very small.

Is gecko lizards endangered?

Are gecko lizards endangered?* But no they aren't. If they were endangered they wouldn't sell them as pets...

How endangered is the striped hyena?

Striped Hyenas Are Not Endangered. They Are Near Threatened. So There Conservation Status Is Not Threatened.

Is the striped possum endangered?

No, the striped Possum is on theVulnerable list but is not endangered. But this can change at anytime with wild fires and hunters and the environment.

What types of leopard gecko is there?

They have the same name, but their color might be different. The spots and striped might be at their tail, the whole body, or the head. Their skin colors can be yellow, pinkish-orange, and that's all i know. :D

Can you put a bearded dragon and a striped gecko in same cage?

No, absolutely not. They are different species!!! The dragon will eat the gecko.

How many geckos are in the wild?

Geckos are kept commonly in the reptile hobby and for the most part, are not endangered or restricted. There are few species of gecko that are endangered such as the: Monito Gecko, Reunion Island day gecko.

Is the striped dolphin endangered?

The striped dolphin is not endangered, but is considered a protected species. That means without a some sort of protection plan in place, the species would become endangered.

What year did the striped hyena become endangered?
