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Yes, the badger is an endangered species, they are listed on the IUCN Red List and also several subspecies are protected under laws in the UK. There are 12 different badger species listed on the IUCN Red List. Three of those are listed as "data deficient" with a population growth trend of "unknown", they are, the Large-toothed Ferret Badger, Javan Ferret Badger, Bornean Ferret Badger. The Hog Badger is listed as "near threatened" and the population is listed as "declining". The remaining eight, are listed as "least concern", and the population growth trend is listed as "unknown". They are the: Japanese Badger, Asian Badger, Eurasian Badger, Honey Badger, Small-toothed Ferret Badger, Sunda Stink-Badger, Palawan Stink-Badger, and the American Badger. For more information see site listed below.

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12y ago
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14y ago

The badger is "endangered" because many countries and states (the USA) are killing badgers for pelts (fur) or just to get rid of them. Some states like Michigan have laws that protect badgers. if your state does not you should look into it. Badgers are wonderful creatures that get rid of mice and insects and deserve to live in peace!

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7y ago

oit is ot usaly blah blah blah wow real mature go suck my foot!

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10y ago

The common badger, also known as the European badger is not endangered. The species is known as "stable" by the IUCN.

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12y ago

Yes. Most species of badgers are threatened or endangered. In many species we do not have enough data to prove that they are present in large numbers.

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13y ago

American badgers are considered Least Concern by the IUCN. The California Department of Fish and Game has the American badger listed as a species of special concern.

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Q: Are badgers going endangered
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Many various programs for badgers like to protest for badgers probably because they are an endangered species. By... Tedog Tendor Tenzin Dorjee

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The badger is endangered because they are losing their habitat. Not all species of badger are considered endangered. The American badger is listed as a species of special concern.

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yes they are going endangered

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There are Eurasian badgers, hog badgers, American badgers, ferret badgers, honey badgers, and stink badgers. I'm guessing that your question was, "What kinds of badgers are there?"

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The fear of Badgers is called Skunkaphobia . The symptoms are, loss of sleep, short hair, and large eyes. You NEED to get help if you suffer from Skunkaphobia. You could be going crazy!

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