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All the other animals would die on the food web because there food disappeared! its a chain reaction

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Melyssa Fadel

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3y ago
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Q: How would a food web be affected if a species disappear from an ecosystem?
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What would it be called if all organisms of a specific species were to disappear?

The disappearance of all organisms of a specific species would be called extinction. This event can have significant ecological impacts on the ecosystem that the species once inhabited.

What would happen if a species disppeared from an ecosystem?

If species disappeared from an ecosystem the balance in the ecosystem will be altered.

How would a food be affected if a species disappeared from an ecosystem?

All the other animals would die on the food web because there food disappeared! its a chain reaction

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If all the oxygen were to disappear, most life on Earth would perish within minutes. Oxygen is crucial for cellular respiration in most organisms, so a lack of it would lead to catastrophic consequences such as widespread death, ecosystem collapse, and the eventual extinction of many species.

What would happen if species disappeared from an ecosystem?

If a species disappeared from an ecosystem, it could lead to disruptions in the food chain, loss of biodiversity, and could impact the overall health and balance of the ecosystem. The disappearance of a key species could also have cascading effects on other species and the functioning of the ecosystem as a whole.

A keystone species is a species whose presence does what?

A keystone species is a species whose presence has a disproportionately large impact on its ecosystem compared to its abundance. If a keystone species is removed from its ecosystem, it can lead to significant changes in the ecosystem's structure and function.

How would the population of animals in a prairie community be affected if one is a overhunter?

If a predator in a prairie community were to overhunt, it could lead to a decrease in the prey population, causing a shift in the ecosystem. The decline in prey numbers may impact other species that rely on them for food, leading to a ripple effect throughout the food chain. Ultimately, the overhunting predator may face food scarcity and population decline as a result of disrupting the balance in the ecosystem.

How will snakes be affected if all rats disappear from forest?

If all rats disappear from a forest, snakes that rely on rats as a food source will face food scarcity and a decline in their population. This may lead to increased competition among snakes for other prey species, potentially leading to changes in the ecosystem dynamics.

What do you think might happen in an ecosystem if it lost all of its plants species?

If an ecosystem lost all its plant species, it would disrupt the food chain as plants are primary producers. This would lead to a cascade effect, impacting herbivores, predators, and ultimately the entire ecosystem. Nutrient cycles would also be disrupted, affecting soil health and ecosystem stability.

What species do you think would be the most affected by this change?

In order to know what species would be affected by change one needs to know the type of change you are referencing.

How would an ecosystem be affected by a decline in their numbers?

It could impact the ecosystem immensely. It would decrease the number of animals that feed off the producers, and then decrease the number of animals that feed off those animals etc. Its a massive chain, as soon as you change one little thing everything else changes