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Now heavily armed gangs head into forest to make mass kills and sell the meat in markets.

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It always has been a problem!!

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Q: How much has poaching increased?
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What are threats to bioreserves?

increased poaching and collection of firewood etc

Has poaching decreased or increased yearly?

Poaching has decreased in some regions due to increased awareness, stricter enforcement of laws, and conservation efforts. However, in other areas, poaching continues to be a significant problem, particularly for species under high demand like elephants and rhinos. It is a complex issue that requires ongoing attention and action.

Why are zebras on the endangers species list?

either because they are or their habitat is being threatened and hunters have increased poaching them

Does poaching take place in Africa?

Sadly poaching is everywhere. But yes it is in Africa the most.

How much do people get for poaching elephants tusks?


Why was a law made to prevent poaching?

because if poaching was continued, pretty much all the animals on the endangered list would be killed off completely. Poaching is for people who have no life they need to be poached themselves.

How much are the fines for poaching a Siberian tiger?

How much are the fines for posting stupid questions

What countries poach animals?

Poaching isn't done by countries, it's done by persons. Apart from whaling, there's no known example of a country officially supporting poaching. Poaching happens pretty much in every country where there is legal hunting.

What is it called when you hunt wildlife illegally?

Poaching is what it is called when you illegally kill an animal. There are many laws against poaching and game wardens are in charge of enforcing them.

Poaching in a sentence?

She's in the kitchen, poaching eggs for our breakfast. Poaching wildlife is against the law.

Is there poaching in the us?

No You can't have legal poaching, that'd be like having a legal crime. Poaching is illegal hunting, so legal poaching would be hunting.

What causes mallard duck to extinct?

most likely poaching and or too much hunting