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A giant panda eats about 34 pounds of bamboo a day.

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14y ago

Giant pandas eat 20 to 30 pounds of food a day, and they drink about 2 gallons of water a day.

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14y ago

A fully grown grown Giant Panda can eat around 400-500 bamboo stems a day.

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14y ago

Around 19kg of bamboo a day.

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Q: How much do giant pandas eat in a day?
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Where do giant pandas spend most of their day?

giant pandas eat all day

Do pandas eat 1000 kg of bamboo a day?

Giant pandas eat a lot, but not that much. 1000 kg would be about 6 times the body weight of an adult male. Simply impossible to eat that much in a day.

What do giant pandas always eat?

Giant pandas eat bamboo.

What is giant pandas social behavior like?

Mostly, they eat for more then half a day, although when they have cubs, they don't eat as much.

How much can giant pandas eat?

An adult giant panda will consume 20-30 pounds of bamboo per day.

How much does a panda eat per day?

Giant pandas eat 20 to 30 pounds of bamboo leaves and shoots each day.

How often must giant pandas eat?

10 to 16 hours a day

Where do the giant pandas hang out with other giant pandas?

pandas don't hang out much but if they did i think it would be in a quite large bamboo forest were there's plenty too eat.

How much vines do giant pandas eat though?

The giant panda eats bamboo shoots exclusively.

How many pounds of fish do pandas eat every day?

None. Although the Giant panda is omnivorous, it's diet consists of 99% bamboo. The red panda have a larger range of foods in their diet, but it's highly improbable they dine at Pizza Hut.

How does the giant panda get its food?

giant pandas just break the bamboos off and eat giant pandas just break the bamboos off and eat giant pandas just break the bamboos off and eat giant pandas just break the bamboos off and eat

What kind of shoots do pandas eat?

Giant pandas eat bamboo shoots.